Tag: Newcastle Region Art Gallery

Sydney Morning Herald Column

Philip Wolfhagen

Saturday, July 13th, 2013 Sydney Morning Herald Column,

To appreciate the art of Philip Wolfhagen one must be tolerant of repetition. Few Australian artists are more devoted to the serial approach to painting: fastening on to a particular motif, making small changes in colour and tone on successive canvases until the theme is exhausted. For Wolfhagen’s fans the process is mesmeric, for his […]

Art Essays

Laverty 2, Newcastle Region Art Gallery

Saturday, May 28th, 2011 Australian Art, Sydney Morning Herald Column,

All the talk this week has been about the Kaldor collection. This high-profile donation has prompted a massive operation on the belly of the Art Gallery of NSW, with architect, Andrew Andersens, playing a familiar role as the leading cosmetic surgeon of Australian museums. The makeover has transformed a dingy storage area into an elegant, […]

Art Essays

Curious Colony

Saturday, August 7th, 2010 Australian Art, Sydney Morning Herald Column,

In 1814, Newcastle was “a forlorn cluster of makeshift buildings whose sole purpose was to provide shelter and basic necessities for the inhabitants.” This assessment, by historian Elizabeth Ellis, is uncontroversial. For the 305 white settlers – including 249 convicts – who made their homes in this isolated outpost, perhaps the only solace was to […]

Art Essays

Michael Bell: Yeeros & Civilisation

Tuesday, July 1st, 2003 Australian Art,

It hardly seems fair that after twenty years of unceasing creativity, the name “Michael Bell” is largely identified with a single motif – a comic face with staring eyes, clenched teeth and three-day growth, AKA. the Sandman. The face became famous when it was picked up by 2JJJ as a logo for Steve Abbott’s deadpan […]