Film Reviews

Reality & Driving Madeleine

Published July 7, 2023
A friendly chat with the FBI in a comfy domestic environment

Reality is a film that lives up to its title, with a script taken word-for-word from one woman’s experience of an actual FBI search. The protagonist is a young civil servant with the rather surreal name of Reality Winner (Sydney Sweeney) who arrives home from the supermarket to find two men waiting for her outside her home in Augusta, Georgia. They are FBI agents, and they have a warrant to search Reality’s house, car and person.

For slightly less than an hour-and-a-half we watch this charade unfold. Most of the conversation is completely banal, as the agents compare exercise programs with Reality, or ask questions about her dog. “You can see we’re all dog people!” says the lead agent (Josh Hamilton), a daggy, bespectacled, middle-aged guy in a short-sleeved shirt. His pal, “Wally” (Marchant Williams) looks super fit, but is on a par as a conversationalist.

They spend a lot of time trying to put Reality at ease, while her house and yard fills up with FBI men. As this awkward chatter continues, it feels weirder and more menacing. We know these men are not friendly, average joes, and they are not here on a social call.

Reality works as a translator from Farsi and Pashtun, a fact the FBI guys find really impressive. “Wow!”

In her daily work she handles classified documents and is in the frame for leaking one to the press. Did she do it or not? There is some mild suspense around this question, but as Reality’s case was headline news in 2017, many viewers will already know the answer to that question. If you don’t know and don’t want to find out, you might consider skipping the rest of this review, but this short, sparse movie was never intended to be a nail-biter.

What seems to have motivated director, Tina Satter, who has adapted her own play, is the wish to convey how traumatic it is when the FBI turn up and start rummaging through your belongings. It’s a painful invasion of privacy, a slow-motion assault. Reality tries to stay calm, but she knows she is losing this game.

The movie would never have been made if Reality had not been convicted of sending a classifed document on Russian interference in the 2016 US election to a news site called The Intercept. Her subsequent five-year sentence was the longest handed down for this kind of offence, suggesting that she was being made an example to others.

She allegedly did it because of her indignation that facts the American people should know where being kept secret, putting her loyalty to the country ahead of the oath she had taken with the government. Within days of the case appearing in the press, the same information was being discussed by members of Congress, making her crime seem almost academic.

One thinks of Olyesa Krivtsova, the 20-year-old Russian who escaped to Lithuania after Vladimir Putin put her on trial for a social media post questioning the war in Ukraine. If a young woman in a provincial town could be viewed as a traitor, nobody is safe from the all-powerful state. Nobody, except Yevgeny Prigozhin, who led a full-scale insurrection and was allowed to skip off to Belarus.

Satter is suggesting the United States is not so very different from Putin’s Russia in its willingness to suppress dissent and throw the book at relatively powerless individuals. The release of the film, which was originally made for HBO, coincides neatly with Donald Trump’s indictment for taking classified documents from the White House and concealing them from the FBI. Compared to Reality Winner, the former President’s case is infinitely more serious. The evidence against Trump is so damning his only escape route is to invoke some imaginary privilege that allows Presidents – and former Presidents – to break the law with impunity.

This makes a mockery of the idea that everyone is equal under the law. The “reality” is a system in which the rich and powerful get tremendous concessions, while small-scale offenders feel the full wrath of the courts. It takes courage – or recklessness – to be a whistleblower, no matter how just the cause. If you are breaking oaths and legal statutes the state has the right to exact punishment and will do so mercilessly. In showing in detail how that humiliating punishment begins, this minimalist tract of a film may serve to discourage rather than inspire potential dissenters.



An unusually happy experience in a Parisian taxi

Of all the French movies I’ve seen this year – and there is never any shortage of French movies – Christian Carion’s Driving Madeleine is the one that has left the strongest impression. It’s not the most ambitious or complex of features, but it has an old-fashioned affection for storytelling and characterisation that often get lost when directors set out to be more ingenious than they need to be.

Driving Madeleine is a two-hander, in which Dany Boon, better known as a comic actor, plays Charles, a taxi driver who works six days a week, but struggles to support his family. Veteran actor, Line Renaud, is his passenger – 92-year-old Madeleine, whom he is ferrying to the retirement home that will be her final destination in this life.

Charles’s misery and depression are stamped all over his face when he picks up Madeleine in front of the home she is leaving forever and begins the journey to the other side of Paris. She has every reason to be just as sad as him, but instead is cheerful and talkative. She tells Charles the story of her life, starting with an affair with an American soldier that left her an unmarried mother in the years after the war. She describes her unhappy marriage to a welder named Ray, and the dramatic way it all ended.

She also coaxes Charles to talk about his own life, chipping away at the wall of gloom he has erected between the front seat and the back. Gradually he begins to enjoy the drive and joins in the conversation. The trip across Paris stretches out over the entire day, as the driver and his fare break for lunch and dinner, or to visit places that hold memories for Madeleine. Her reminiscences are told with flashbacks in which her younger self is played by Alice Isaaz, a rising star in France.

By the time the journey is over we’ve grown close to both characters but feel there’s still much to learn. The entire second chapter of Madeleine’s life is yet to be told, and Charles knows he’s got to see her again. If the ending is predictable, this doesn’t lessen its dramatic force. It’s one of those increasingly rare moments in which one leaves the cinema feeling that the demands of heart and mind have been fully satisfied.




Directed by Tina Satter

Written by Tina Satter & James Paul Dallas, after a play by Tina Satter

Starring: Sydney Sweeney, Josh Hamilton, Marchant Evans, Benny Elledge, John Way

USA, M, 83 mins



Driving Madeleine

Directed by Christian Carion

Written by Cyril Gely & Christian Carion

Starring: Line Renaud, Dany Boon, Alice Isaaz, Gwendoline Hamon, Jérémie Laheurte, Julie Delarme, Hadriel Roure

France/Belgium, MA 15+, 91 mins


Published in the Australian Financial Review, 8 July, 2023